Aluehallintovirasto 2024. Koe-eläimet. Koe-eläinten käyttömäärät. Vuoden 2023 tilastot koe-eläinten käytöstä.
ALURES – Animal Use Reporting – EU system
Animal-Free Science Advocacy: New South Wales first state to ban cruel animal tests. 14.3.2024.
Animalia. Eläinkokeet Suomessa.
BIO, Informa Pharma Intelligence & QLS Advisors 2021: New Clinical Development Success Rates 2011-2020 Report.
Cait, J.; Cait, A.; Scott, R.W. ym. 2022: Conventional laboratory housing increases morbidity and mortality in research rodents: results of a meta-analysis. BMC Biol 20, 15 (2022).
Cassotta, Manuela; Bartnicka, Joanna Julia; Pistollato, Francesca; Parvatam, Surat; Weber, Tilo; D’Alessandro, Vito; Bastos, Luisa Ferreira & Coecke, Sandra 2022: A worldwide survey on the use of animal-derived materials and reagents in scientific experimentation. Engineering in Life Sciences. Vol. 22, Issue 9, 2022, Pages 561–604.
Clinical Development Success Rates and Contributing Factors 2011–2020.
Cruelty free Europe: Reducing and replacing animal experiments: Europe needs an action plan.
Del Pace, Lorenzo; Viviani, Laura & Straccia, Marco 2022: Researchers and their experimental models: A pilot survey.
Eurogroup for Animals 2023: Major success in the USA: new drugs no longer have to be tested on animals for approval. 7.2.2023.
Eurogroup for Animals 2023: European Research Area action “Towards medical sciences and regulatory testing without the use of animals” August 2023.
Euroopan komissio. EU Reference Laboratory for alternatives to animal testing (EURL ECVAM). Biomedical research
Helsingin yliopisto. Koe-eläinten käyttö tutkimuksessa.
Herrmann, Kathrin & Jayne, Kimberly 2019: Animal Experimentation: Working Towards a Paradigm Change. Koninklijke Brill NV.
Laki tieteellisiin tai opetustarkoituksiin käytettävien eläinten suojelusta
Maa- ja metsätalousministeriö: Koe-eläimet
Sanofi 2021: Fighting Against Falsified Medicine. 5.4.2021.
Valtioneuvoston asetus tieteellisiin tai opetustarkoituksiin käytettävien eläinten suojelusta
Zemanova, Miriam; Knight, Andrew & Lybæk, Susanna 2021: Educational use of animals in Europe indicates reluctance to implement alternatives.
Kuvat: Andrii Biletskyi / Envato Elements, Roger Kingbird / We Animals Media, iStock.com / NiDerLander.